William Mills, MA, LMFT, LADC
Therapist | Eagan

About William's Area of Practice
He primarily works with adults, couples, families, teens and significant others. For many of us, life is both amazing and terrible; he uses Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) to show us a way forward in the face of life’s many hardships. In order to build a rich full meaningful life, we need to learn how to reduce the impact and influence of painful thoughts and feelings. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy provides that roadmap. As you and William work together, you will focus on developing a kind of mental flexibility with what life throws at you in order to help you provide the means to move your life forward. He is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Minnesota and Licensed Addiction Dependency Counselor, Minnesota.
Earned a Master’s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy from Argosy University (2010) and degree in Addiction Dependency from Metro State University (2011).
Special Interests
Our relationship with others is a mixed bag. They bring wonder and dread, joy and fear, happiness and misery. We have a great need for connection with others. We are, more than anything else, social animals fixated on our connection with others. For therapy with couples, families and significant others, I use Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) that is based on a model of relationships that prioritizes emotion and the bonding process. Learning how to flexibly respond to others by, first, listening to our emotions and then respond in a helpful workable way are the key ingredients to satisfaction and stability in our relationships. We not only want to move our lives forward, we also want to move our relationships forward. That takes work, so let us work together toward those ends.
Chemical Dependency and Addiction
Addiction and chemical dependency issues brings our ability to move our life forward to a screeching halt. Our connection to our addictions becomes stronger than our connections to people. Getting back on our journey toward moving our life forward is the work that we can do together