BHSI Eagan
3460 Washington Dr, Suite 200
Eagan MN 55122
(651) 769-6200 Phone
(651) 769-6249 Fax
Phones answered
Monday - Thursday 8:30-5:00
Friday 8:30 - 4:00
(651) 769-6249 Fax
Phones answered
Monday - Thursday 8:30-5:00
Friday 8:30 - 4:00

Driving Directions
From the West
Take Hwy 13, heading East
Turn right on Yankee Doodle Rd.
Turn right at Washington Drive
Enter parking lot at 3460 Washington Dr.
Building is on the East side of the parking area.
From the East
Take Yankee Doodle Rd, heading West
Go past Pilot Knob Rd, then turn left at Washington Drive
Enter parking lot at 3460 Washington Dr.
Building is on the East side of the parking area.
From the South
35E North to Pilot Knob/Yankee Doodle Rd exit
Exit left onto Pilot Knob.
Turn left at Yankee Doodle Road.
Turn left at next light – Washington Drive
Approximately ¼ mile on the left is 3460 Washington Dr.
Building is on East side of parking lot.
From the North
Exit 35E South at Yankee Doodle Road exit
Turn right on Yankee Doodle Road
Turn left at second light – Washington Dr.
Approximately ¼ mile on the left is 3460 Washington Dr
Building on East side of parking lot.
Take Hwy 13, heading East
Turn right on Yankee Doodle Rd.
Turn right at Washington Drive
Enter parking lot at 3460 Washington Dr.
Building is on the East side of the parking area.
From the East
Take Yankee Doodle Rd, heading West
Go past Pilot Knob Rd, then turn left at Washington Drive
Enter parking lot at 3460 Washington Dr.
Building is on the East side of the parking area.
From the South
35E North to Pilot Knob/Yankee Doodle Rd exit
Exit left onto Pilot Knob.
Turn left at Yankee Doodle Road.
Turn left at next light – Washington Drive
Approximately ¼ mile on the left is 3460 Washington Dr.
Building is on East side of parking lot.
From the North
Exit 35E South at Yankee Doodle Road exit
Turn right on Yankee Doodle Road
Turn left at second light – Washington Dr.
Approximately ¼ mile on the left is 3460 Washington Dr
Building on East side of parking lot.